The Union of Myanmar
The State Peace and Development Council
The Fertilizer Law
(The State Peace and Development Council Law No. 7/2002)
The 10th Waning Day of Tawthalin 1364 M.E.
(1st October, 2002)
The State Peace and Development Council hereby enacts the following Law:-
Title and Definition
1. This Law shall be called the Fertilizer Law.
2. The following expressions contained in this Law shall have the meanings given hereunder:-
(a) Fertilizer means chemical fertilizer, bio-fertilizer or natural fertilizer which consists of the material that can assist to cause
chemical change in the soil or by other means for plant nutrition for the growth of fruits, flowers, crops and plants. The said
expression does not include any natural fertilizer made by any grower for use in his own farm;
(b) Chemical fertilizer means the fertilizer prepared with chemicals by using any means and not being naturally made or
composed. The said expression also includes mineral fertilizer or organic and inorganic chemical fertilizer produced by a
(c) Bio-fertilizer means the fertilizer produced by multiplying beneficial organisms such as bacteria, fungi, etc. for the growth of
(d) Natural fertilizer means the remains, wastes or by-products of fauna and flora, obtained and prepared by decomposing
(e) Specifications mean prescribed standards by the Fertilizer Committee in plant nutrients ratio or quality or other necessary
materials to be included in fertilizer;
(t) Toxic substance means any chemical which is hazardous or poisonous 10 living animal or plant;
(g) Quality assurance means the warranty of the fertilizer producer for consistency with specifications and warranty of importer
or exporter for consistency with specifications contained in agreement executed with foreign counterpart;
(h) Label means printed mark which is affixed or attached 10 the , package or bag of the fertilizer;
(i) Fertilizer business means the business of producing, compounding. mixing, repackaging storing, distributing, importing and
exporting of fertilizer for commercial purpose;
(j) Storage means storing the fertilizer to carry out the business of distribution and sale;
(k) Distribution and sale means the distribution and sale in excess of the weight and volume of fertilizer prescribed by the
Fertilizer Committee to obtain the licence;
(I) Registration certificate means a permit issued under this Law for permitting fertilizer production. importing or exporting for
commercial purpose;
(m) Licence means a permit issued under this Law permitting .compounding, mixing, repackaging, storing or distribution and
sale of fertilizer for commercial purpose ;
(n) Manager means person in charge of the Myanma Agriculture Service serving at the different States. Divisions. Districts and
(0) Inspector means a person assigned duty by Myanma Agriculture Service as an inspector under section 22 of this Law:
(P) Minister means Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation;
(q) Ministry means the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation;
3. The objectives of this law are as follows:-
(a) to enable supporting the development of agricultural sector which is the basic economy of the State;
(b ) to enable supervision and control the fertilizer business systematically;
(c) to enable growers to use fertilizer of quality in conformity with the specifications ;
(d) to support the conservation of soil and environment by utilizing suitable fertilizer;
(e) to enable carrying out of educative and research works extensively for the systematic utilization of
fertilizer by the agriculturalist :
(f) to cooperate with government departments and organi7.8tions,international organizations and local
and foreign non-governmental organizations regarding fertilizer business.
Formation of the Fertilizer Committee
4. The Minjstry, with the approval of the Government:-
(a) shall form the Fertilizer Committee comprising Deputy Minister for the Ministry of Agriculture and
Irrigation as Chirman, Managing Director of Myanma Agriculture Service as Secretary, heads of the
relevant government departments and organizations and, experts as members ;
(b) may reorganize from time to time the Fertilizer Committee formed under sub-section (a) .
Functions and Duties of the Fertilizer Committee
5. The functions and duties of the Fertilizer Committee are u follows:-
(a) laying down the policy and giving guidance relating to the fertilizer business ;
(b) stipulating the specifications of the fertilizer;
(c) stipulating weight and volume of fertilizer required to obtain a licence for distribution and sale: –
(d) issuing necessary directives to prevent environmental pollution and hazard to human beings and
animal Ii respect of fertilizer business
(e) granting or refusing to issue the registration certificate after scrutinizing according to the stipulations
the application to obtain the registration certificate;
(f) suspending subject to a time limit or canceling and renewal of the registration certificate;
(g) stipulating the tenure of registration certificate;
(h) causing research work relating to fertilizer to be conducted;
(i) carrying out educative works for the systematic utilization of fertilizer by growers;
(j) cooperating with the government departments and organizations, international organizations, local
and foreign non- governmental organizations regarding fertilizer business,
6. The Fertilizer Committee shall for enabling to carry out its functions and duties effectively:-
(a) form a Fertilizer Technical Body with suitable experts and the Secretary of the Fertilizer Committee as
the leader of the Body and determine the duties there of;
(b) form the sub-committees relating to work with suitable persons and determine the duties or the said
Registration Certificate
7. A person desirous of carrying out production, import or export of fertilizer for commercial purpose shall apply to the fertilizer Committee in accordance with the stipulations in order to obtain the registration certificate.
8. The Fertilizer Committee –
(a) shall cause the Fertilizer Technical Body to examine the application made under section 7 as to
whether or not it is in accordance with the stipulations and submit thereof ;
(b) may grant or refuse to issue certificate after scrutinizing the submission made under sub-section (a) .If
granted. the registration certifiicate shall be issued to the applicant after prescribing conditions.
9. The registration certificate holder shall:-
(a) abide by this Law and the rules, procedures. notifications. orders and directives issued hereunder ;
(b) abide by the conditions contained in the registration certificate;.
(c) shall perform in accordance with the stipulations the quality assurance, label. and specifications;
(d) shall submit to the inspection of the relevant manager and inspectors when they come for inspection.
10. The registration certificate bolder shall, if desirous of continuing the business, apply for its renewal to tile Fertilizer Committee in accordance with the stipulations at least 30 days prior to the expiry or the tenure.
11. The Fertilizer Committee:-
(a) may, after scrutiny or the application made under section 10. permit or refuse the renewal;
(b) shall, if permitted under sub- section (a). renew the registration certificate.
12. The registration certificate holder shall subscribe the registration fees renewal tees for registration certificate and laboratory analysis tees to the Myanma Agriculture Service in the prescribed manner.
13. (a) A person desirous of doing the compounding. mixing. repackaging or storing business of fertilizer for commercial purpose
shall. in accordance with the stipulations apply 10 the Myanma Agriculture Service to obtain the business licence.
(b) The Myanma Agriculture Service may. after satiny of the application made under sub-section (a),
grant or refuse to issue the licence. If granted. the licence shall be issued to the applicant after
prescribing conditions.
14. (a) A person desirous of distribution and sale of fertilizer in excess of the weight and volume of fertilizer prescribed by the
fertilizer Committee shall. in accordance with the stipulations. apply to the State and Divisional Manager to obtain the
business licence.
(b) The State and Divisional Manager may, after scrutiny of the application made under sub-section (a),
grant or refuse to issue the licence. If granted. licence shall be issued to the applicant after
prescribing conditions.
15. A licence holder shall –
(a) abide by this Law and the rules procedures. notifications orders and directives issued hereunder :
(b) abide by the conditions contained in die licence.;
(c) shall submit to the inspection of the relevant manager and inspectors when they come for inspection.
16. A person holding the business licence of compounding mixing or repackaging of fertilizer shall mention the following particulars on the package or bag of the fertilizer;
(a) label,
(b) net weight of the fertilizer,
(c) quality assurance,
(d) percentage of plant nutrient contained In the fertilizer.
(e) ingredients and ratio or ingredients compounded or mixed in the fertilizer.
(I) prescription for use.
17, A business licence holder for storage or distribution and sale of fertilizer shall store or distribute and sell only the fertilizer on which the particulars contained in section 16 are mentioned.
18. The Myanmar Agriculture Service shall stipulate the tenure of the licenses authorized to be issued by itself and the licence by the State and Divisional Manager.
19. (a) If a business licence holder for compounding, mixing, repackaging or storing of fertilizer is desirous of continuing the
business, application shall be submitted to the Myanma Agriculture Service in accordance with the stipulations for renewal of
licence at least 30 days prior to the expiry or the tenure.
(b) The Myanma Agriculture Service may, after scrutiny or the application made under sub-section (a),
permit or refuse the renewal of the licence.
20. (a) If a business licence holder for distribution and sale of fertilizer is desirous of continuing the business. application shall be
submitted to the relevant State and Divisional Manager in accordance with the stipulations for the renewal of the licence at
least 30 days prior to the expiry of the tenure.
(b) The relevant State and Divisional Manager may. after scrutiny of the application made under sub-
section (a), permit or refuse the renewal of the licence.
21. A fertilizer business licence holder shall subscribe the licence tees. renewal licence fees and laboratory analysis fees to the Myanma Agriculture Service or relevant State and Divisional Office in the prescribed manner.
Assignment or Duty as the Inspector
22. The Myanmar Agriculture Service may assign duly to any suitable officer as inspector.
23. The duties of the Inspector are as follows:-
(a) inspecting the fertilizer business in the area to which he has been assigned;
(b) obtaining the sample of the fertilizer to test as to whether or not the fertilizer conforms to the
specifications. making laboratory analysis thereof, and submitting the result of its findings to the
Myanma Agriculture Service;
(c) inspecting as to whether or not the fertilizer is used only in agriculture ;
(d) if it is found that any prohibition contained in this Law has been violated. submitting to the Myanma Agriculture Service in the
prescribed manner;
(c) performing other duties as are assigned by the Myanma Agriculture Service.
Taking Action by Administrative Means
24. The penalties of administrative action arc as follows:-
(a) temporary suspension of the fertilizer business that has been granted;
(b) permitting to continue the fertilizer business after causing payment of fine and requirement to be
(c) suspending of registration certificate or licence subject to a time limit;
(d) cancellation of the registration certificate or licence.
25. The Fertilizer Committee shall impose the administrative penalty contained in section 24 on the registration certificate holder who fails to comply with any duty contained in section 9. In doing so, one or more of the administrative penalties may be imposed.
26. The Myanma Agriculture Service shall. on finding out any of the following fasts during inspection, impose the administrative penalty contained in section 24 on the relevant business licence holder. In doing so, one or more of the administrative penalties may be imposed:-
(a) failing to comply with any duty contained in section 15 by the licence holder of compounding. mixing
repackaging or storing business of fertilizer;
(b) failing to comply with any duty contained in section 16 the licence holder of compounding mixing or
repackaging business of fertilizer;
(c) failing to comply with any provisions contained in section 17 by the licence holder of storage business of fertilizer.
27. The relevant State and Divisional Manager shall impose the administrative penalty contained in section 24 on the licence holder of distribution and sale business of fertilizer who fails to comply with any duty ,contained in sections 15 and 17. In doing so, one or more or the administrative penalties may be imposed.
28. (a) A person dissatisfied with the order or decision made by the relevant State and Divisional Manager in respect of the
distribution and sale of fertilizer business licence may appeal, in accordance with the stipulations, to the Myanma Agriculture
Service within 30 days from the date of the receipt of such order or decision;
(b) Myanma Agriculture Service may confirm. cancel or revise the order or decision made by the relevant
State and Divisional Manager in respect or the appeal made under sub-section (a);
(c) The decision or the Myanma Agriculture Service under sub. section (b) shall be final and conclusive.
29, (a) A person dissatisfied with the order or decision made by the Myanma Agriculture Service in respect of the business licence
of compounding, mixing, repackaging or storing of fertilizer may appeal, in accordance with the stipulations, to the Fertilizer
Committee within 30 days from the date of receipt of such order or decision;
(b) The Fertilizer Committee may confirm. cancel or revise the order or decision made by the Myanma
Agriculture Service in respect of the appeal made under sub-section (a);
(c) The decision of the Fertilizer Committee under sub-section (b) shall be final and conclusive,
30. (a) A person dissatisfied with the order or decision made by the Fertilizer Committee in respect of the registration certificate may
appeal, in accordance with the stipulations to the Minister within 30 days from the date of the receipt of such order or
(b) The Minister may confirm, cancel or revise the order or decision made by the Fertilizer Committee in
respect of the appeal made under sub-section (a);
(c) The decision or the Minister under sub- section (b) shall be final and Conclusive.
31. No one shall, without the registration certificate, produce, import or export fertilizer for commercial purpose.
32. No one shall, without licence, do compounding, mixing, repackaging or storing of fertilizer for commercial purpose.
33. No one shall produce, store or distribute and sell fake fertilizer or fertilizer not in conformity with original specifications.
34. No one shall produce, store or distribute and sell of fertilizer mixed with toxic substances.
35. No one shall use the fertilizer in purposes other than agriculture.
Offences and Penalties
36. Whoever violates any prohibition contained in sections 31, 32, 33 or 34 shall, on conviction, be punished with imprisonment for a team which may extend to 3 years or with fine which may extend to kyats 150,000 or with both. In addition, order shall be passed to confiscate the exhibits involved in the offence.
37. Whoever violates the prohibition contained in section 35 shall. on conviction be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine which may extend to kyats 50,000 or with both. In addition. order shall be passed to confiscate the exhibits involved in the offence.
38. The Court shall transfer for disposal the fertilizer which is confiscated to Myanma Agriculture Service.
39. If a person doing any fertilizer business on the date of promulgation of this Law is desirous of continuing the said business, he shall apply in accordance with the stipulations within 90 days from the date of promulgation or dis Law to obtain the necessary registration certificate or licence. :
40. The Ministry Shall prescribe the registration fees, the licence fees, renewal fees and the laboratory analysis fees.
41. The Ministry may exempt any government department or organization in respect of the application of registration certificate, application of licence and subscription of fees for the use of fertilizer or any fertilizer business.
42. The Myanma Agriculture Service shall assign duty to any relevant Manager to recover the said fine and fees from the person who fails to subscribe the same as if they were mean of land revenue.
43. A person whose registration certificate or 1icence has been suspended subject to a time limit or cancelled, shall comply with the directives of the Fertilizer Committee or the Myanma Agriculture Service in respect of the fertilizer in his possession.
44. If application is made to issue permit or licence to Import or export fertilizer, the government department or organization authorized to issue such permit or licence may issue the permit or licence only to the person who submits the recommendation of the Myanma Agriculture Service attached to the application.
45. With regard to fertilizer in the offences prosecuted under this Law, the report of the findings of the laboratory analysis conducted by the Myanma Agriculture Service shall be final and conclusive evidence for the said offence.
46. The offence prosecuted under section 37 of this Law is prescribed as the cognizable offence by Myanmar Police Force.
47. If an exhibit involved in any offence prosecuted under this Law is not easily produce able before die court such exhibit need not be produced before the Court. However a report or other relevant documentary evidence as to the manner of custody of the same may be submitted. Such submission shall be deemed as if it were a submission of the exhibit before the Court and the relevant Court may dispose of the same in accordance with law.
48. In implementing the provisions contained in this Law:-
(a) The Ministry may with the approval of the Government issue such rules and procedures as may be
(b) The Ministry the Fertilizer Committee and the Myanma Agriculture Service may issue such
notifications, orders and directives, as may be necessary.
(Sd.) Than Shwe
Senior General
The State Peace and Development Council